
Thursday 6 December 2012

6. My notes (using an effective note taking technique) and summary on the following video

Can adults really learn from kids? Adora aged 12 seems to think so! Adora Svitak explains throughout the speech how adults should learn from children, as children are full of creativity and new ideas.  


The method I am going to use to take notes on this video is the mind mapping method.  I find this method works best for me as I am a visual learner, according to Golon (2010) 'Visual learners remember what they see, but forget what they hear'.  Mind maps involve placing the main idea in the middle of the page and drawing different words, images and symbols to represent information about the topic around this.  This can be seen in the image below of the notes I took on Adora's speech (Click to enlarge)

Overall I learnt a lot from both the video. Adora speaks with passion about the creative ideas of children she explains age shouldn’t matter when people are making an impact on the world she backs this up by taking about Anne Frank, Ruby Bridges and Charlie Simpson.  She also refers to a glass workshop that's in place in Washington, where children come up with creative ideas and turn them into glass pieces. This proves that children can make their dreams a reality.  

I really agree with Adora's point that children should teach teachers can learn something from others, even children. She makes the speech personal as she talks about her own experiences also. Such as writing stories on a laptop at a young age and publishing a book which led to being invited to give talks. The main point of the speech was that if children are listened too and are given good opportunities they can lead and be successful as they are going to be next generation.  

This young girl really brought back memories of when I growing up I felt I wasn't listened too as much as my older sister was even though I had good knowledge and information too.  

Reference List

Golon, A. (2007) 'Identifying, Nurturing, Living and Working with Visual- Spatial Learners' [online] Available at: [accessed 6 December 2012] 

TED (2010). Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids' [video online] Available at: [accessed 5 December 2012] 

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