
Thursday 22 November 2012

2. The best presentation I have seen, and here's why

Barack Obama's speech which he made in Dublin was both effective and powerful! This presentation has many ingredients of a successful speech. It made me as an Irish citizen feel that I was part of history being made in Dublin, even though I was watching from the comfort of my sitting room with a cup of tea in my hand.

Obama used many techniques to deliver his presentation in a powerful way. Firstly as an audience member I was hooked the minute I heard his laugh, I was amazed by his sense of humour in the introduction, it held my attention and made me focus on what he was saying. The president spoke Irish in his introduction, he calls us the people of Ireland his friends. I felt a sense of inclusion from this as if he was addressing me personally

'I'm happy to be with so many á cairde' 
Obama: 2011

Barack Obama - 'I've come home to find the apostrophe we lost somewhere along the way'
(Rte News: 2011)

The most effective part of the speech was the way Obama delivered the message so clearly .  He related to  Irish people as he referred to his family emigrating Ireland years ago to go to America in the hope of a better life. This showed Obama's sensitive side. I  found his use of quotations  effective, the way he referred to powerful people such as George Washington and related it back to his speech which made the message clearer.

'When the father of our country, George Washington, needed an army,
 it was the fierce fighting of your sons' 

(Rte News: 2011)

However I felt that Obama was restricted as he stayed in the one position throughout and could only see the people in front of him, even though the crowds of people went past College Green and Dame Street. If he walked to the other side of the stage or even mentioned them they would also felt addressed.  

(Kilkenny 2011)

Overall I felt this presentation was very powerful, take a look and decide for yourself.

(BernieGoldbach: 2011)

Reference List:

Kilkenny, S. (2011) 'thousands gather in dublin city ahead of Obama's presidential address' 
[image online] Available at: [Accessed 22 November 2012]

BernieGoldbach. (2011) 'Barack Obamas speech in college green dublin' [video online] available at:
[Accessed 8 November 2012]

Rte News. (2011) 'Barack Obama's visit to Ireland' [image online] Available at: [Accessed 21 November 2012]

Rte.News. (2011) 'Barack Obama draws huge crowd in Dublin' [image online] Available at: [Accessed 22 November 2012]

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